Wrote About Alsubaie - محمد بن ابراهيم السبيعي

Mohammah Ibn Ibrahim Alsubaie The Pious Man in Life & Business
Prince Faisal bin Salman

Even though I did not live during the foundation reign of King Abdulaziz, may Allah bless him,  and his successors King Saud and Faisal when I was still a young kid, Allah has blessed me to see the men who lived at that time with its ups and downs. They witnessed the development this country has gone through. They enlightened the way to my generation. we still listen to their stories of struggle and follow their path.



Here are some more of the figures who wrote about Alsubaie after reading his daughter’s book:

  • Abdulaziz Alkhuwaiter May Allah bless him.
  • Ahmad Ibn Abdulaziz Ibn Baz.
  • Khalid Ibn Abdulaziz Almuqairen.
  • Hamad Ibn Abdullah Alqadhi.